動畫特效協會這次特別邀請到資深歐盟與美國發行顧問 Fred Greene,9月到台灣和動畫圈朋友們分享歐洲動畫電影的融資與製作經驗,更希望跟台灣動畫朋友們一起探討亞洲和台灣的合作模式。Fred將以自身參與過的實際案例與成功經驗,說明歐洲動畫電影的成功的籌畫過程與如何談跨國合資,這一場是協會年度重磅活動,更是很好的交流機會。
✦ 活動時間:
2024年9月3日 (二) 14:00-16:30
✦ 活動地點:
臺灣當代文化實驗場 動畫創作者基地 共享吧 1F
(台北市大安區建國南路一段 177 號)MAP
✦ 活動費用 (動畫特效協會會員免費參加,以有動畫開發製作經驗的導演與製片優先報名):
早鳥價 每人$2600 (8/16前報名)
原價 每人$3000
指導單位:文化部 臺灣當代文化實驗場
Speaker Introduction
Yu Xiang
Beacon Vision Technical Director
Worked in animation, game, production and software companies at home and abroad. In recent years, he has devoted himself to the research and teaching of various virtual processes. He is currently the technical director of a virtual production company.
Frank Yu
Technical Director
Fengshui Vison Ltd.
Feng Shui Vision provides a series of on-site real-time integration services for virtual film production and VTuber production. Our equipment include Qingtong's optical motion capture device, Foheart's body and finger motion capture device, Glassbox's virtual camera and integrated production software, and Yameme Integrated Marketing's VT Live.
In order to become the leading virtual image production equipment supplier in Taiwan, we have put a lot of effort into adapting the production process to be applicable to Unity and Unreal, at the same time, combined hardware equipment from many motion capture brands.
Our services provide you with a quality work environment where clients can focus on inspiring their creativity through deeper discussions.
✪ 動畫特效協會保留所有活動內容調整與報名參加權益,若有更新請依最新訊息公告為主 ✪